May 21, 2021
Dear CRSS Families,
The months of May and June are very exciting around campus!
Scholastic Book Fair
The Scholastic Book Fair was a huge success. Kelly Huber organized, marketed and ran the entire Book Fair! Thanks to all of Kelly's hard work the Book Fair sold $3,160.39 worth of books. This grand total earned $1,177.32 in Scholastic Dollars for our school. Thank you families for providing your children with the opportunity to purchase books at the Fair this year!

8th Grade Commencement
8th graders will graduate soon and it will be bittersweet to see them go. They will be very missed at Cannon River STEM School, but we know it is time for them to spread their wings and begin the next chapter of their lives in high school. 8th Grade Graduation will take place on Thursday, June 3 from 6-8:00pm in the circle picnic area in front of Old Main. If your 8th grade family will attend, please RSVP to the school office by Wednesday, May 26 either by phone: 507 331.7836 or email: [email protected]
Composting Occurs Everyday!
Thanks to our school Naturalist, Stephanie Rathsack, students in all grades compost on a daily basis. Here's a picture of Miss Stephanie and two students transferring compost from the classroom to the composite site behind Old Main.

Teacher Appreciation Week
We celebrated National Teacher Appreciation Week this month. Our teachers were surprised with some special treats throughout the week, including a light breakfast delivered to their classrooms. CRSS teachers have worked extra hard this year under unique and challenging circumstances. They deserve our praise and support throughout the year, not just during Teacher Appreciation Week!

A Visit with Our Authorizer
Erin Anderson, the Executive Director of our Authorizer, Osprey Wilds, conducted a virtual campus visit in May. She met with the Interim Executive Director, a Special Education Teacher, several classroom teachers and students. Below is a picture of second graders responding to questions from her such as; What do you like about CRSS? Do you spend a lot of time outdoors? What is your favorite subject? No doubt Ms. Anderson was impressed by our school!

Larry's Dugout Canoe
This week the 8th grade successfully raised the dugout canoe and paddled it! If you have not heard of the dugout canoe, it was a project the whole school worked on five years ago or so with a local amateur historian, Larry Richie, who had the kids build a Dakota style dugout from a giant cottonwood log. Many classes got to paddle it that first year, and ever since, 8th grade has continued the project, sinking and raising it in a local lake each year as would have been done by the indigenous peoples of the region. The 8th graders are ecstatic that it is still voyage-worthy after two and a half years in the lake!

Track and Field Day
Heather Teigen, our physical education teacher is busy planning exciting track and field events for our students to celebrate the last week of school. Middle School Track and Field Day will be Thursday, June 3 and Grades K-5 will have their Track and Field Day on Friday, June 4, the last day of school. Please have your child wear comfortable clothing and tennis shoes on Track and Field Day.
Returning CRSS Yard Signs
We thank the many families and staff who took a CRSS yard sign to help us advertise our school around the community. If your sign is in good shape, please return it to school on or before Friday, May 28. Any signs that are worn or tattered do not have to be returned to school and instead can be recycled. Thank you for your help with this!
Memorial Day and the Last Day of School
Mark your calendars that there is no school on Memorial Day, Monday May 31 and the last day of school for students is Friday, June 4.
Very Kind Regards,
Theresa Gunderson
Interim Executive Director