March 2021
What's Happening Around Campus?
Starting in early March, 3rd grade students began the annual project of collecting sap from maple trees to make their very own maple syrup. Students learned about the important cultural background and heritage of maple syruping, specifically to native and indigenous peoples of North America. They are also gaining knowledge on identifying maple trees, how to use the equipment involved, and the mechanics of how trees produce sap. Finally, students were able to have hands on practice in placing spiles in the selected maple trees. They will now spend the next few weeks collecting the sap (they learned we need 40 gallons of sap to make just 1 gallon of syrup!) before eventually boiling it all down into syrup. In the picture below, one of our students is enjoying the fruits or syrup of his labor!
Third graders in Ms. Sandler's class had the opportunity to read their favorite picture books to their classmates in celebration of National Reading Month. Our in-person learners sit in the class rocking chair to read aloud to the class. Our distance learners join in the educational fun as well!

Middle Schoolers are having an enjoyable time practicing (and some learning for the first time) how to cross-country ski! Our beautiful and vast campus provides the ideal landscape for this and other winter sports such as snow-shoeing.
The Kindergartners Have Artistic Talent!
Our outstanding art teacher, Miss Wells taught the kindergartners about robots. See their artwork below.
Our Kindergartners also talked about geometric shapes and neutral colors. Notice how both geometric shapes and neutral colors are captured in the adorable owls below.