April 16, 2021
April 16, 2021
Dear CRSS Families:
It's hard to believe that spring has sprung and we are in the home stretch of the school year! In fact, Tuesday April 13th marked the start of our 4th Quarter.
Over the next few weeks we will be conducting MCA (Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments) in grades 3-8. Please ensure your children get plenty of sleep so they are alert and prepared for taking the tests. The testing schedule is as follows:
3rd-8th grade Reading: 4/14 & 4/15 8:30-11:30 COMPLETED!
3rd-8th grade Math: 4/28 & 4/29 8:30-11:30 COMPLETED!
5th and 8th only Science: 5/3 & 5/4 8:30-11:30
3rd-8th grade Math: 4/28 & 4/29 8:30-11:30 COMPLETED!
5th and 8th only Science: 5/3 & 5/4 8:30-11:30
Make-up days: 4/16, 4/30, 5/6
Art Highlights:
The first graders have recently completed birch trees. In the birch trees students used two watercolor resist techniques. One used tape and one used salt. We added shadows using silver paint and created small details on our tree bark using watercolor paint.

The 4th Graders recently completed flowers & butterfly art. Students painted the background with watercolor using the salt resist technique. Then they used oil pastel and watercolor to create a flower and leaves using another resist technique. The butterfly was created using a medium of their choice. Everything was cut out and glued on their background. Gems were added to show the center of their flower. Students loved making their artwork 3D to pop off the page!

Earth Week:
Earth Week is next week; April 19-23. Our Environmental Education Committee is busy preparing exciting activities for Earth Week at CRSS! Here is a sneak peak at some of the fun activities they are planning:
*Classrooms will have the opportunity to spend at least one day entirely outdoors
*Classrooms will have the opportunity to eat lunch/snack outside
*Classrooms will compete for the Raptor Award
*Staff will create a virtual bookshelf similar to the one in December
*All classes will take a virtual fieldtrip to the Raptor Center
*Staff will create a virtual bookshelf similar to the one in December
*All classes will take a virtual fieldtrip to the Raptor Center
Dress Code Reminder:
Spring is a good time to review our school's clothing expectations for students. Please take a few minutes and review the following expectations from the CRSS Family Handbook with your child.
∙ Clothing and grooming must not interfere with the education process or create disorder in the school.
∙ Clothing and grooming must not present a danger to the health or safety of the student or others.
∙ Clothing must not display logos or images relating to alcohol, tobacco, drug products, or their use.
∙ Clothing must not display profanity or comments/pictures/designs that are obscene, profane or vulgar. ∙ Clothing must not harass or threaten individuals or group of individuals because of sex, color, race,
religion, disability, national origin or sexual orientation.
∙ Clothing must not advertise products or brands that cause a disruption to the educational process.
∙ Clothing must not obstruct the full view of a student’s face.
∙ Shorts, skirts and dresses should reach fingertip length when arms are relaxed at their sides (shoulders not hunched.) If they are not that long or lower, tights must be worn underneath them.
∙ Tops should either cover the shoulders OR have straps at least three fingers in width. Tops should also cover the chest, the back and the midriff.
∙ Shoes should be outdoor friendly, closed-toe and secure to the foot …such as sneakers or hikers.
so cover the chest, the back and the midriff.
∙No heels, wheeled shoes, flip-flops, crocs or jelli shoes etc. are allowed as they don’t provide the support necessary for safe footing on trails in the ravine. We need to make sure students are safe in the woods and teachers often don’t have time to allow for changing shoes. On wet or rainy days this fall and next spring, you may want to send boots/galoshes.
∙No heels, wheeled shoes, flip-flops, crocs or jelli shoes etc. are allowed as they don’t provide the support necessary for safe footing on trails in the ravine. We need to make sure students are safe in the woods and teachers often don’t have time to allow for changing shoes. On wet or rainy days this fall and next spring, you may want to send boots/galoshes.
∙ Hats of any kind, hoods or sunglasses are not allowed in buildings unless a medical condition (with doctor’s note) requires them. CRSS staff may designate special occasions for hat wearing in the classroom or across the campus.
∙ Clothing must cover undergarments completely.
∙ Clothing worn each day should be appropriate for school, the weather, and being outdoors. Being outdoors means we will sit on the ground, hike through the woods, and learn outside. Skirt and short length should allow for sitting.
Cannon River STEM School Family Handbook: 2019-2020 p. 11 comfortably outside and walking in the woods. Be aware that outdoor exploration may be in areas with tall plant material on either side (including stinging nettles.) Long pants are recommended and at times may be required by the classroom teacher.
∙ We do advise that students (particularly younger students) have a clean pair of underwear, socks, t-shirt and pants tucked in their backpack or left in their cubby. Students do get wet and muddy from time to time, and this precaution can eliminate the need to call home!
Students who come to school inappropriately dressed may be asked to:
1. change clothing if he or she has other items at school, or if other clothing is available at school;
2. turn clothing inside out if possible;
3. have parent/guardian bring other clothing to school.
Have a Wonderful Weekend!
Very Kind Regards,
Theresa Gunderson
CRSS Interim Executive Director