Mrs. Alyssa Clark » Important Information

Important Information

Students should know the alphabet names and sounds at the end of kindergarten. The "Letter Sounds" video below supports children as they use hand movements to remember the alphabets sounds.
Students will learn most of the phonogram sounds below. Phonograms are sounds letters make when they are put together. Some phonograms have more than one sound and different sets have the same sounds. Learning these sounds will help children solve unknown words as they read. The "Phonograms" video below supports children as they use hand movements to remember the phonogram sounds.
This document has videos to learn more phonograms.
Things you can do each day to support your child's learning in math!
Other ways to practice:
- Count to 120
- Add and subtract to 20
- Count with tally marks
- Name shapes
- Tell time and measure things with a ruler
- Look at graphs or make your own
math support
Grade-Level Reading
Beginning of 1st Grade - Level C
Fall - Level D
Winter - Level F
End of 1st Grade - Level I
Read every day at home! (This is the only homework we assign). Make it a special time with your child to share the joy of reading!
Allow your child to read to you and help them use strategies to solve unknown words. We teach the strategies below to solve unknown words.
reading strategies
Children also need to remember what they are reading. These are some important comprehension strategies we teach at school.
Comp. strategies
Things you can do to support your child's reading comprehension.
parent reading questions
Beginning of year supply list will be added here soon.
Other things your child should have at school include:
- Daily healthy snack
- Waterbottle
- Extra pair of clothes
- Boots & tennis shoes
- Snow gear (students need hats and gloves when the weather is below 45)
Our class would be grateful for any donations of the following items:
- Lysol wipes
- Stickers 
- Legos
- Water bottles
- Hats & Gloves
- Tissues
- Erasers
- Sensory fidgets